gamesandguns Apr 23, 2008 07:00
thoughts on justice, boss, can't squash the opposition, don't step on light's feet, lolkira, this is much better, kira, l wasn't a criminal, claire bb, perfect world = impossible goal, dying, thoughts, death, don't regret it, she killed people, depressed, oh mello, then what, i'm happy for claire, notorioius criminal, no such thing as a perfect world, yagami light was nuts, her dying, misa's death, this could be worse, justification, perfect world =/= kira's world, he can be cruel sometimes, successor, criminals, he's a bad bad man, plz stop misunderstanding, don't forget he's a genius, mello's my number 1 gal though, after the criminals, death note, mello, misa, sry guys, fear, claire went home, matt is a smart guy, sparkles and optimism